DCC Mission
Dialect Coaches Corner was created to provide online tools for actors, executives, dialect coaches and speech teachers, ESL instructors or ANYONE wanting more control of the way they communicate in English.
I've been helping professionals with dialect coaching and accent reduction for nearly 20 years. I felt it was time to offer high quality online practice tools for individuals who didn't have access to a dialect coach. I also wanted to provide a place where other dialect coaches and speech teachers could find useful tools for working with their own students.
As an advocate for individuals who want to transform their communication I will continue to grow and adapt these resources. Whatever the reason you've come to this site the aim is to foster in you a sense of confidence in your own expertise and mastery of your abilities.
Success in my business means I help you succeed in yours. Let's reach your goals together.
We're just getting started and more is being added daily.
Learn more about PRACTICE MODE, COURSES, WARM-UPS, FLASH CARDS, or our powerful suite of applications in SPEECH APPS.
Click items on the menu to the left to find out more.
-Jerome Butler, Dialect Coaches Corner Founder
> On location in NYC for Life on Mars
> On location in Matera, Italy for Nativity
> Cast of Copying Beethoven, Budapest
> Soundstage set, Life on Mars
- "A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special.
- — Nelson Mandela.